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Showing posts from April, 2018

Starts with an Argument yet finishes a great day racing shadows

Saturday morning I argued with my companion about which run I would do. This was made more frustrated as I'd already planned a 42Km run around the Berwyns. The impact of the argument meant I was still in bed at 11:00. Any trip far afield was now out of the question. I decided, we'd run closer to home. So, I selected a route which took in both Foel Fenlli and Moel Famau. I needed the vertical climb (vert). A short journey by car and we were at the car park at the base of Moel Famau. I prepared me and my kit. I knew my companion would be happy just sitting in the car and occasionally he has won. It's very rare that I race. By racing I mean head down and running as fast as you can with only the sound of your heart beats filling your ears. Today would be different. I would race my companion and beat him to the end. The route is 16km and as hard as I tried I couldn't put myself far enough in front. I could still see two shadows. Over two hours later I returned to the c...

Rochdale... Moors, mud and fairies

Breaking news... Mad man seen on the Moors. Okay, it was me, but if anyone had seen me grinning from ear to ear and covered in mud, it would be a label. So, this adventure took place on the moors north of Rochdale. Why Rochdale, SSSH, tell no one, but it's a gem of a place. It was once a regular stomping ground when I was instructing potential walk group leaders, but it's been five years and the first time I've trod on the sodden ground in trail shoes. There's something about moorland. To some, the same brown coloured grasses and the endless low rolling hills don't appeal. It is peaceful when you stay on the paths and hectic when you take advantage of the Open Access freedom and wander on a compass bearing. One thing I must always remember to do when I'm out running is to look back from where I have come. If I don't I miss great views. A view through the gate posts There is some much history being consumed by the nature out there on the moors. We ...

A missed appointment and some spooky woods... Why I Run

Having been woken by my dog, Tilly, who wanted letting out, it was then I noticed I'd woken late and wouldn't make the first GB Ultra recce run of the Snowdon 50 Ultra... Great! I needed to get a long run in as part of my training for the Chester 100 Ultra so apologies sent; I planned today's run. I've got a pile of map printouts of runs I wish to do and ones I've ran. I found one around the Clywdians, close enough to make it before lunch and long enough to meet my distance requirements. Let the adventure begin. I like to call my runs adventures because that's what they are. They'll never be training runs or quality sessions. My idea of quality, for running, differs from most keen runners. This isn't a poke at those runners. I couldn't push myself as hard as they do. I'd take my hat off to them, but my head would get cold... I've got little hair on my head! I seem to be alone today... Strange! My run started from Coed Larawyfan which ...